
- I had to force myself into being strenuous

Robert Scott, britisk polfarer etter kappløpet med Roald Amundsen vinteren 1912 i teltet der han seinare blei funnen ihelfrossen, skreiv i dagboka sine siste helsingar til kona si slik, her om oppfostringa av sonen deira:
"I had looked forward to helping you to bring him up, but it is a satisfaction to know that he wil be safe with you ... Make the boy interested in natural history f you can. It is better than games. They encourage it in some schools. I know you will keep him in the open air. Try to make him believe in God, it is comforting. ... and guard him against indolence. Make him a strenuous man. I had to force myself into being strenuous as you know - had always an incliniation to be idle".

Varden med krosset der teltet til Scott og hans menn stod.
Indolence): hang til latskap
Strenuous): energisk uthaldande

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